MU Stage 3 Public Health/Clinical Data Regsistry Reporting Objective
- All EPs attesting for Program Year 2019 must report on a minimum of two Public Health Objective Measure Options, but may need to select more than two options if they are taking Exclusions.
- Providers may use a combination of Active Engagement reporting and measure Exclusions to pass the Public Health Objective.
- It is possible to exclude from all the reporting options and still pass the Objective, but DOCUMENTATION MUST BE SUBMITTED as required.
- The number of measures for the Objective has increased from three to five under Meaningful Use Stage 3 criteria.
The following grid provides the Registry Reporting descriptions and summarizes how Vermont and New Hampshire EPs must consider their reporting options:
Documentation Aids for VT and NH EPs
For detailed guidance and Documentation Aids for each Public Health/CDR Registry Reporting Option, select one:
Vermont Eligible Professionals
New Hampshire Eligible Professionals
For questions, contact the Vermont EHRIP Team at
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(Page last updated 06/10/2019)