The CMS Framework for Health Equity
CMS defines health equity data as the combination of quantitative and qualitative elements that enable the examination of health differences and their causes between populations. The CMS Framework for Health equity provides a structured approach to incorporate Equity considerations in healthcare services. The framework sets foundation and priorities for CMS’s work in advancing health Equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes for the more than 170 million individuals supported by CMS programs
How VHIE work aligns with CMS priorities
CMS Health Equity Framework Health Equity Priorities for Reducing Disparities in Health guiding our work:
- Priority 1: Expand the Collection, Reporting, and Analysis of Standardized Data
- Priority 2: Assess Causes of Disparities Within CMS Programs and Address Inequities in Policies and Operations to Close Gaps
- Priority 3: Build Capacity of Health Care Organizations and the Workforce to Reduce Health and Health Care Disparities
- Priority 4: Advance Language Access, Health Literacy, and the Provision of Culturally Tailored Services
- Priority 5: Patient Portal – enable patients to advocate for themselves. Address patient needs. Reduce Inequity of Care. Meeting Accessibility Requirements