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VHIE Outcomes Based Certification - Outcomes and Metrics


Metric January February March April May June July August September October November December
Direct Care/Care Coordination
Number of VITLAccess User Accounts 2,774 2,865 2,891 2,851 2,634 2,506 2,565 2,590 2,610 2,681 2,704 2,710
Number of Organizations using VITLAccess 296 300 301 302 303 288 293 297 310 313 316 318
Number of Potential Organizations that could use VITLAccess 1,595 1,596 1,595 1,596 1,591 1,590 1,588 1,593 1,585 1,541 1,544 1,546
Number of Patient Queries through VITLAccess 18,843 17,671 17,840 18,673 19,366 17,900 20,759 20,053 20,181 22,615 18,658 22,108
Number of Medicaid patient records transmitted from the VHIE to the Medicaid care coordination tool 586,086 379,133 414,641 439,210 434,475 402,742 430,998 433,910 415,555 481,214 416,761 413,312
Direct Care/Care Coordination: Event Notification
Number of event notifications (ADT) messages sent to PatientPing through VHIE connection 3,579,093 3,579,093 3,384,694 3,341,045 3,545,704 3,271,261 1,403,058 1,422,000 1,341,983 1,496,465 1,323,699 1,318,147
Master Patient Index: Percent Medicaid Match Rate 98.10% 98.08% 99.62% 99.59% 99.65% 99.61% 99.57% 99.65% 99.60% 99.65% 99.65% 99.65%
Direct Care/Care Coordination: Electronic Results
Number of LAB messages captured in the VHIE 585,806 553,714 561,648 561,785 590,454 558,641 582,702 581,652 562,515 570,984 520,067 521,145
Number of RAD messages captured in the VHIE 87,307 83,784 83,603 84,771 93,106 84,933 89,219 89,294 84,422 90,801 80,933 81,113
Number of TRANS messages captured in the VHIE 403,124 384,221 383,992 397,901 417,117 392,926 421,318 419,255 412,919 448,726 403,055 401,357
Public Health
The percent of total immunization messages (VXU) received by the Immunization Registry from the VHIE 88% 88% 87% 87% 87% 88% 88% 88% 93% 93% 93% 92%
The percent of total death records transmitted from Death Registry to VHIE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
LAB messages captured in the VHIE and transmitted to the Public Health Authority 3433 4799 1046 738 1575 3328 662 2622 1943 1670 583 897
Value Based Care
Blueprint for Health Clinical Extract Report from the VHIE Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 4/1/2024 Provided the report to Blueprint on 4/1/2024 Provided the report to Blueprint on 4/1/2024 Provided the report to Blueprint on 4/1/2024 Provided the report to Blueprint on 4/1/2024 Provided the report to Blueprint on 4/1/2024 Provided second report to Blueprint on 9/5/24 Provided second report to Blueprint on 9/5/24 Provided second report to Blueprint on 9/5/24 Provided second report to Blueprint on 9/5/24


Metric January February March April May June July August September October November December
Direct Care/Care Coordination
Number of VITLAccess User Accounts 2259 2304 2307 2,396 2,303 2,296 2,445 2,507 2,564 2,626 2,682 2,717
Number of Organizations using VITLAccess 232 232 233 233 241 246 270 271 273 276 288 294
Number of Potential Organizations that could use VITLAccess 1578 1577 1577 1,577 1,577 1,577 1,587 1,592 1,594 1,593 1,594 1,594
Number of Patient Queries through VITLAccess 10,545 11,061 12,669 12,274 14,525 14,445 12,932 14,761 13,959 16,624 15,194 14,405
Number of Medicaid patient records transmitted from the VHIE to the Medicaid care coordination tool 601,628 532,633 604,471 923,172 628,977 575,795 539,820 576,896 547,048 587,931 534,064 512,266
Direct Care/Care Coordination: Event Notification
Number of event notifications (ADT) messages sent to PatientPing through VHIE connection 3,343,842 2,973,819 3,353,817 3,006,123 3,368,299 3,350,516 3,108,088 3,509,976 3,290,381 3,568,163 3,306,628 3,119,000
Master Patient Index: Percent Medicaid Match Rate 98.19% 98.18% 98.23% 98.22% 98.24% 98.23% 98.22% 98.19% 98.17% 98.13% 98.11% 98.09%
Direct Care/Care Coordination: Electronic Results
Number of LAB messages captured in the VHIE 551,061 501,320 578,501 528,510 564,992 560,881 538,661 582,420 556,447 585,013 538,894 540,580
Number of RAD messages captured in the VHIE 80,746 74,681 83,837 76,872 84,395 83,457 76,906 86,611 81,094 84,009 77,718 78,170
Number of TRANS messages captured in the VHIE 391,503 357,870 400,653 369,035 399,728 392,198 368,576 404,308 387,270 413,834 388,868 370,767
Public Health
The percent of total immunization messages (VXU) received by the Immunization Registry from the VHIE 77% 77% 85% 85% 85% 89% 89% 89% 91% 91% 91% 88%
The percent of total death records transmitted from Death Registry to VHIE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
LAB messages captured in the VHIE and transmitted to the Public Health Authority 3,037 2,559 3,438 2,298 992 517 415 742 2434 3050 2081 2547
Value Based Care
Blueprint for Health Clinical Extract Report from the VHIE Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/31/2023


Metric July August September October November December
Direct Care/Care Coordination
Number of VITLAccess User Accounts 2,051 2,096 2,118 2,139 2,161 2,229
Number of Organizations using VITLAccess 222 232 233 231 232 231
Number of Potential Organizations that could use VITLAccess 1,591 1,590 1,590 1,586 1,582 1577
Number of Patient Queries through VITLAccess 9,184 9,834 8,986 9,100 9,130 9,652
Number of Medicaid patient records transmitted from the VHIE to the Medicaid care coordination tool 539,467 608,476 605,381 666,789 630,133 577,883
Direct Care/Care Coordination: Event Notification
Number of event notifications (ADT) messages sent to PatientPing through VHIE connection 2,952,701 3,325,786 3,298,111 3,422,051 3,319,276 3,127,390
Master Patient Index: Percent Medicaid Match Rate 98.09% 98.23% 98.18% 98.16% 98.15% 98.17%
Direct Care/Care Coordination: Electronic Results
Number of LAB messages captured in the VHIE 547,430 578,521 545,583 558,810 545,931 549,289
Number of RAD messages captured in the VHIE 74,792 92,037 77,746 80,977 75,863 78,509
Number of TRANS messages captured in the VHIE 351,168 382,760 370,993 383,251 373,791 377,773
Public Health
The percent of total immunization messages (VXU) received by the Immunization Registry from the VHIE 83% 83% 78% 78% 78% 77%
The percent of total death records transmitted from Death Registry to VHIE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
LAB messages captured in the VHIE and transmitted to the Public Health Authority 24,322 21,341 6,753 6,468 4,017 3,118
Value Based Care
Blueprint for Health Clinical Extract Report from the VHIE Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022 Provided the report to Blueprint on 03/21/2022